By Ian Hunter Fans

Bellow are collection of memories or experiences of being an Ian Hunter and Mott the Hoople fan written by the fans themselves. This collection was obtained by originally trying to get my Uncle Andy to post his experience on a forum which i had known he commonly participated on. Prior to receiving these messages from users on the forum, i had intentions on only using Andy’s post. But after reading the thoughtful replies it became clear that these too must be posted, for they were personal and intimate to disregard and become unread by others.


I 1st discovered Ian Hunter in 1975 when my friend, Phil Champagne, played his 1st solo album for me. I was hooked right away, something about Ian’s songwriting, because you have to admit his singing is a bit rough, spoke to me. As I became a bigger fan I delved into all things Ian Hunter related such as Mick Ronson, Mott the Hoople and Lou Reed. I am actually on the young side for a Ian Hunter/Mott the Hoople fan at 52 years old so I was never able to see Mott the Hoople preform until….London 2009 when they reunited for 5 shows at Hammersmith. Mind you, I live in Southern California and I am not rich however, there was no way I was missing a chance to see MtH live. I spent a week in London and saw 2 of the shows and all I can say is that I can die happy now. I am actually more of an Ian Hunter solo fan though. I have seen him every time he comes near Southern California which included paying $500 for a ticket to see him preform in a fellow message boarders back yard. There were only about 25 people max there but for a true fan it was great. Very professionally done and Ian, Andy & James were there for a meet abd greet after including pictures and autographs where I had all my IH/MtH signed. To sumise, Ian’s songwriting is the soundtrack of my life. If Ih had been a major star I would be glad for him but to tell the truth, I like having him as my little secret and wouldn’t want it any different. I could go on about the other message boarders who are much bigger fans then I but I feel I have taken enough of your time. I hope this helps.

Written by Callmeafan

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From Ian Hunter Message Board

“On Thursday evening Janet and I went to see Jesse Malin And The St. Marks Social. The gig was part of the summer long free Music In The Park series in San Jose. The sun was shining, the beer flowing and the crowd of about 2,000 was rocking.

There were three bands on the bill with Malin sandwiched in the middle. We didn’t stay for the headliner (Cold War Kids) as the local microbrew pub was calling me. From the beginning It was apparent Malin’s band had no sound check, but the sound guy pretty much righted the ship early on – except the lead guitar remained a bit in your face for me. I have no idea who the guys in the band were, but they (drums/bass/guitar/piano) were all accomplished and complimented Malin’s songs beautifully. Backed by just piano, Maiin’s powerful version of Bastards Of Young was a show stopper and won over the crowd – most of whom had no idea who Malin was. They know now.

The hour and a half set featured several songs from the St. Marks Social album Love It To Life. Standouts for me – and I don’t own the new one – were Disco Ghetto, Burn The Bridge and Black Boombox. He did a solid rendition of Wendy, from his first album and also a slew of things from Glitter In The Gutter including In The Modern World, Prisoners Of Paradise, Black Haired Girl and of course, Bastards Of Young. Malin’s voice was superb and he cut a powerful and energetic figure on stage. A great night in the park.

Malin is returning to the Bay Area next week to play in San Francisco and also has a few SoCal gigs lined up starting next weekend. As we will be in Laguna Beach then, a gig in Orange County might be in the offing. We will make one more Malin gig on this West Coast tour, for sure.”

Sports Page Test Post

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